Discover the Different Types of Grasses and Which Is Right For Your Lawn
Grass is just grass, right? Unfortunately, it’s a bit more complicated than that, and there are enough unique grass varieties to confuse even seasoned lawn care professionals. Let’s take a look at the most common varieties grown here in White Plains and how you can choose the best one for your next seeding or turf installation.
Tall Fescue
Developed relatively recently and released in 1943, tall fescue is an ideal turf grass for colder climates like ours up here in New York. This hardy, drought-tolerant variety stands up better to heatwaves than other cool-season grasses and is prized for its disease resistance. Tall fescue is also known for its ability to germinate quickly and is far more comfortable in shaded conditions than many other popular lawn grasses. While there are more than a few reasons to choose tall fescue for your lawn, keep in mind that it tends to require heavy watering and is slow to recover from damage.
Mowing Height: 2-3 inches in winter, fall, and spring, 3-4 inches in summer.
Watering Requirements: 1-1 ¼ inches per week.
Dormancy: Occurs during sustained periods of temperatures above 90 degrees or below 50 degrees.
Fine Leaf Fescues
Made up of several subspecies, the most common of which is creeping red fescues, fine leaf fescues are a popular, low-maintenance alternative to their better-known cousin. Unlike tall fescue, it prefers drier conditions, meaning that you can use significantly less water over the course of a year than you otherwise would. Its thin stalks aren’t to everyone’s aesthetic taste, its exceptional drought tolerance and resistance to salt damage make it a strong candidate for a lawn in White Plains. Fine fescue varieties tend to not stand up well to heavy foot traffic and are more prone to disease than tall fescue, so be sure to factor that in when choosing the right grass for you.
Mowing Height: As low as 1 ½ inch but prefers to be kept between 3 and 4 inches.
Water Requirements: No more than 1 inch per week.
Dormancy: During sustained periods of temperatures above 90 degrees and below 50 degrees.
Perennial Ryegrass
Commonly found all over North America, perennial ryegrass is especially tolerant of a wide range of temperatures, stands up well to drought, and germinates quickly. Overwintering nicely and quick to bounce back after winter, ryegrass stands up very well to heavy use and can even replenish soil nitrogen and oxygen levels. Its dense, tight growth pattern also outcompete aggressive lawn weeds. If you opt for a perennial ryegrass lawn, however, be aware that it requires significant watering and heavy fertilizer use and does not grow well alongside other varieties.
Mowing Height: Between 1 ½ and 2 ½ inches year-round.
Water Requirements: About 1 ¼ inch per week, applied over 2-3 sessions.
Dormancy: Sustained temperatures above 87 degrees.
Kentucky Bluegrass
Known for its iconic dark green color, its legendary ability to bounce back from disease and damage, and ability to survive harsh winters, Kentucky bluegrass is a strong choice for your White Plains Lawn. It may not have quite the same level of heat tolerance as some other varieties, but here in a cool northern climate, that’s less of a year-round concern than it may be elsewhere. Be aware though, that bluegrass requires nearly full sun, so if you have tall trees around your home, it will probably not take well to your lawn. In addition, it requires high levels of water during the summer months, which can increase utility bills substantially.
Mowing Height: 2-2 ½ inches during fall, winter, and spring, 3-4 inches during summer.
Water Requirements: 1 inch per week in fall, winter, and spring, 2+ inches per week during summer.
Dormancy: During sustained periods with temperatures above 80 degrees.
Will Warm-Season Grasses Grow in White Plains?
While cool-season grasses typically take well in the White Plains area, warm-season varieties tend to struggle. Given our climate, this isn’t exactly surprising. That being said, one particular warm-season grass tends to do well up here. We’re talking, of course, about zoysiagrass. Engineered for increased cold tolerance compared to other warm-season varieties, zoysiagrass is a hardy species that can stand up to heavy traffic and sustained periods with limited water. In addition, it is considered one of the most beautiful turfgrasses around, making it popular on lawns across the country.
Count on Griffin Organics for All Your Turf Installation and Seeding Needs
When it comes to turf installation and seeding, you need an expert on your side. Here at Griffin Organics, we’ve been providing reliable, affordable, and eco-friendly lawn care in and around white plains for over 25 years and are ready to get to work for you today! Whether you need a brand new lawn, some routine overseeding, or anything in between, we’re the area’s best choice and know precisely how to get the job done every time. Check out our lawn care services to see exactly what we can do for you.
We Offer Lawn Care Services in Southeast New York
Whether your lawn needs patching up or a complete redo, the experts at Griffin Organics are here to help. We service these cities and more!
Want to schedule an inspection or make a service appointment? Call us at 914-788-9622.
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