Trimming and Pruning Your New York Trees And Shrubs

Keeping the growth of your trees and shrubs in check is one of the most important maintenance steps for lawn and garden care for New York. Although you may be tempted to skip this crucial step, trimming your plants will not only keep your trees and shrubs in the shape that you prefer but will also improve their health and growth in future seasons. To make sure your plants get the proper trimming and pruning they need, call Griffin Organics. We have certified arborists on staff with years of expertise in tree and shrub care and can make sure your plants are well taken care of with our Tree and Shrub Management Program

Why Do Trees And Shrubs Need To Be Pruned?

  • To make sure they help your lawn look beautiful: You likely appreciate the trees and shrubs in your yard for their unique appearance and shape, so keep them looking neat and tidy by routine trimming of overgrowth. Additionally, your lawn might have a vista that requires your plants to be properly pruned in order to maintain the view. 
  • To remove dead or dying branches: Some branch death is normal for trees and shrubs, but pruning helps get rid of these branches so the plant can focus on providing nutrients to other parts of the plant. Dead branches can also pose a health hazard, such as those hanging over homes or power lines, so it is a good idea to have them removed. 
  • To encourage better growth and improve the health of your plants: Regular, proper pruning boosts a plant’s root strength and its ability to withstand harsh weather conditions like cold temperatures and dry conditions. 
  • To enhance flower and fruit production: Professionals know how to trim their trees and shrubs to cultivate beautiful flowers and abundant fruit to grow in future seasons. 
  • To get rid of disease: Trimming removes unhealthy portions of your trees and shrubs and prevents the disease from spreading and affecting other healthy parts of your plants. 

When Should Trimming And Pruning Happen?

It is a good idea to have your trees and shrubs pruned on a regular basis every year. This will prevent your plants from growing out of hand, and keep you from having to completely remove an entire tree or shrub due to excessive overgrowth later on. Light pruning to curb odd growth or dead branches is usually okay anytime, but the time for more intensive trimming depends on the type and season of your unique trees and shrubs. Other factors that can influence trimming time include how a plant grows, when it typically blooms, its overall health and position in your lawn, and if it blooms, whether the blooms occur on old growth or new growth.  

For example, if you have large, overgrown shrubs that produce their blooms in the springtime, they will probably require a lot of trimming to get them back to their normal, healthy state. These shrubs would need to be trimmed in the early spring or late winter. If the shrubs bloom on new growth, this would reduce the number of blooms for a few years, but would be better for the health of the plants in the long run. Afterward, pruning for these shrubs will need to occur every year after the spring flowering season, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful flowers and keeping your shrubs strong and vibrant. 

Shrubs that produce flowers in the summer should be trimmed in the late winter or early spring, but never late summer as this can cause the plant to produce new growth that won’t be winter-hardy. Evergreen shrubs need pruning in late March and early April, as well as occasionally during the middle of summer. For deciduous trees, trimming should occur from February to March, when the absence of leaves gives trimmers easy access to see what branches need to be removed. The exception to this rule is oak trees, which require trimming in the winter months. If you have fruit trees, these should be trimmed in the early spring before the buds on the trees begin to break out of their winter protection. Unlike deciduous trees, evergreen trees don’t typically need a lot of pruning unless there are dead, dying, or potentially hazardous branches. If you do have unwanted branches or the tree growth is too thick, late winter is the usually best time for trimming. 

Call Griffin Organics For All Your Tree And Shrub Needs

Trimming and pruning your plants yourself can be a lot of work, not to mention that if done poorly, it can be dangerous for you and your plants. If you want to make sure that your trees and shrubs are trimmed properly, call the professionals at Griffin Organics. In addition to our pruning services, we offer a comprehensive tree and shrub management program that includes fertilization and oil treatments to help control disease and pests. Griffin Organics also specializes in lawn fertilization, mosquito and tick control, turf installation, and various other enhancements for residents of southeast New York. You can visit our website to view all of our services, reach out via our contact form for more information, or give us a call at 914-788-9622. Be sure to check out our monthly blog for more educational articles, and like our Facebook page to connect with us! 

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Keeping the growth of your trees and shrubs in check is one of the most important maintenance steps for lawn and garden care for New York. Although you may be tempted to skip this crucial step, trimming your plants will not only keep your trees and shrubs in the shape that you prefer but will also improve their health and growth in future seasons. To make sure your plants get the proper trimming and pruning they need, call Griffin Organics. We have certified arborists on staff with years of expertise in tree and shrub care and can make sure your plants are well taken care of with our Tree and Shrub Management Program.

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